
No doubt there are many happy people in the USA today, but most, if not all, health care providers and first responders are horrified and frightened for what the future holds!

Without a national health care response, Covid will continue to ravage our entire population! Without a nationality coordinated testing program, without the ability to do effective national contact tracing, our ability to change the trajectory of this tragic pandemic is going to be lost. Two hundred thirty thousand lives lost is just the start. “Every man for himself” is just not an effective method to get this pandemic under control.

The people of the United States don’t appear to understand their own peril! As health care providers contact Covid themselves, or start to drop out of shear exhaustion we could destroy our health care system from the inside out. Scott Atlas, the president’s health care advisor, has given his advice, “Cull the Hurd! Eventually it (Covid) will just go away.” My question! At the cost of how many more grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors?

Health care worker are tired, depressed, scared, but still dedicated to doing their best to care for patients. Please! America! Help us help you! Wear a mask! Social distance! Wash your hands! There is no magic, there is no treatment, this is not the flu, this disease kills approximately seven to nine percent of the people who it infects, there is no vaccine yet and many months may pass before there is. We’re in this situation together, so please, let’s show some compassion and mercy to one another!

