Dennis Hatfield
3 min readApr 29, 2019

Spring is slowly becoming that once a year reality in the north county. “Oh what to do, what to do?” I mean the energy levels rise, and you got to do outside something! You know, something outside.

The pyromaniacs cloud the sky with their ritualistic grass burning smoke, gardeners are dreaming of early radishes, and the lawn freaks are just dealing with their freaking lawns. Some things, and some people I will never understand, but then I realize some people will never understand me, but that doesn’t mean we hate each other or think the differences between us are stupid!

It truly is amazing, mating season is upon us, the birds are doing it, big bugs are making their appearance and there is new life all around us.

Ah, but for me spring brings a once a year ritual that drives me out into the wild to dangle a fly to spawning rainbow trout. This behavior has afflicted me for some thirty years. I must admit it is not getting easier, but I also must admit the drive and energy is still there. The weather has got to be right, by that I mean very uncomfortable. Wind from the north, check, raining or snowing, check, overcast, check, temperature below forty five, check, everything says go. But if everything is perfect it still does not mean success, it means conditions are right to try your luck. The ice is disappearing and the rainbows are starting their spring spawning ritual. In the areas of the lake that have a beautiful gravely bottom, if your timing is right, sight fishing becomes an exciting possibility. Some springs are productive, some not so much, but every year that passes it’s always worth a try. 2019 has been good!

Spring time, what a trip! Right place, right time, like life, luck is involved. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but nothing happens unless you face the elements and try. For the beautiful rainbows I introduce myself to, I say “Thank you, hope you grow a little bigger for next year”, before I let them go back home.

The moral is, let’s all keep trying. Hopefully over the next two years we can rid our selves of trump and his bad trip cronies and make hate a thing of the past. I know it’s hard, l know it’s uncomfortable, but just like spring fishing, nothing happens until you try! At this moment in our history, and just because my heart and mind would feel so good, I’d like to go fishing with Mayor Pete Buttigieg, just to say, “I took the president fishing!”

Dennis Hatfield
Dennis Hatfield

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