Dennis Hatfield
Jan 21, 2025


Welcome to reality boys and girls! Big Mac’s and Diet Coke’s 99 cents a pop in a week or two, not to mention eggs for a buck ninety nine a dozen! Now if that’s not making America great again, I don’t know what is!

We are all about to enter the four year, if we’re lucky, purgatory wet dream of real convicted felons, liars, thieves, rapists, conspirators, police beaters, vigilante, Putin loving vandals, hypocritical Jesus freaks, woman hating, racist, Mexican hating, macho, knuckle dragging brown shirt followers, of a burger loving caffeinated to the max, carnival barker!

The positive thing to this mess? I can’t think of a positive to this mess! So hang on to your socks boys and girls, history is going to get a lesson on how not to do things, unless they burn the books, and that means WE LOST! RESIST!



Dennis Hatfield
Dennis Hatfield

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