I hope we’ve all learned our trump lesson because this time around it could be “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!” These three clowns have changed our lives and the way we live and die for years to come! They’ve taken away women’s freedom, the personal right to choose, the privacy between patients and their physicians, and stood with trump to make it easier for him to commit crimes, while in office, and not be prosecuted! It appears to me that we are being set up for an internal coup with the support of the three stooges and the judiciary! We can’t forget about Sam, Clarence, and John! What a fucking gaggle of authoritarian supporting stooges!
The Supreme Court needs to be updated to the twenty first century, it is definitely time for a change. Besides all the other trump bullshit and crimes, I would vote for President Harris just to get some action on changes to the court. I realize we need a majority in the Senate too, so that is why it is so important that we ignore the republicans tactics, propaganda lies, and vote for truth, freedom, and democracy, so we can start the process of rebuilding America, the country we love. We can’t afford to go back!
The next few years are probably going to be a little messy, but hopefully with a more progressive approach, some type of judicial review, or adding a judge or two could help. We just can’t afford to let these freeloaders bend to their rich conservative masters and subvert our constitution. Just look at what they have already done, and think about what could happen in the next four years. Does Putin come to mind? Calling them the three stooges may sound funny, but they have blood on their hands! Hand picked by the lunatic heritage foundation, trump loaded the court with a truly sadistic group of simpletons and unabashed conservative hypocrites.
All of our votes count, and President Harris, all the Senate and House candidates need everyones vote because the victory in this election needs to be so overwhelming that it becomes impossible to challenge, witch we all know is going to happen. The media dropped the ball on trump nine years ago! But I’m still astounded by the number of hateful lemmings that have bought into turning our country into a dictatorship! Insanity, ignorance, or just plain old stupidity. I’m still shocked!
Let’s vote for civility, honesty, integrity, and most of all for people who care for others with dignity, respect and understanding for a multicultural society!
VOTE!!! It’s our country, all of us!