Dennis Hatfield
1 min readNov 3, 2018


In Montana our one and only Democratic House candidate, Kathleen Williams, is fighting an up hill battle with Greg Gianforte, trump lackey, and famous press pugilist, who swears the republicans are going to protect people with pre-existing conditions. John Tester, our Democratic Senator is trying to hold on to his seat against Matt[Ping] Rosendale, who also lies about health care. Trump has a personal grudge against John Tester because he exposed Doctor Feelgood, this president’s pick to run the VA. This president is making his fourth trip to Montana in this election cycle to spiew his paranoia, fear, and lies against Tester and Williams. My hope is the people of Montana will see through smoke screen, but come Tuesday anything could happen. I’m voting for good health care, I hope everybody does!!!



Dennis Hatfield
Dennis Hatfield

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